

Phone Number:
Select Vehicle Type:
Upload Driving Licence:
Uploaded files must be in a valid format (jpg,jpeg, png, docx) and not exceed 2MB in size.
Upload Vehicle Licence Document:
Uploaded files must be in a valid format (jpg,jpeg, png, docx) and not exceed 2MB in size.
Upload Background Check Certificate:
Uploaded files must be in a valid format (jpg,jpeg, png, docx) and not exceed 2MB in size.
Upload Comprehensive insuranc:
Uploaded files must be in a valid format (jpg,jpeg, png, docx) and not exceed 2MB in size.
How Do you want your Payout? "Payout will happen every two weeks or as agreed!"

Please make sure to fill out all the fields to be able to register.

Please ensure that the combined size of the files you upload does not exceed 5 MB. Exceeding this limit will result in the page reloading without submitting your data. If you have larger files, consider compressing them into a ZIP file before uploading.